Monday, December 15, 2008

The sixth grade words

Creative: I chose the word creative because in all of the subjects in school we have to think creatively. The level of our creativity also grades us. Some times it might be hard to be creative when you are in class and you have a few minutes to work but do your best. Teamwork: Teamwork is also an important part of sixth grade because some of the activities we do in class require to have different groups of people working together. Communication: Communication mixes up with teamwork because if you don’t talk and communicate effectively with your team, you don’t accomplish anything in the time you are given. 

Choice: Choice is a great possibility in middle school. Here you can chose to have any thing you want to eat whether it’s healthy or junk. Of course this choice comes with a backfire and a consequence but as much us kids want to eat junk food all the time (including yummy things) we need someone to enforce some rules, because some backfires are dangerous. Freedom: Now that we are in sixth grade the teachers and our parents treat us as teens. They give us more responsibility the things we should now be responsible for. The other good thing is that we have control and power of what we do individually.  Responsibility: Responsibility is one of the hard things in middle school because some responsibilities are difficult. The many responsibilities that we have at school and at home are: - do your homework and hand it in on time, clean your room, help your self and others, be at your class on time (be punctual) etc. 

Change: Change is not a very cool thing that happens in sixth grade, because when we used to be in fifth grade your friends used to be the ones in class, and the once you spend most of you time with because you are in the same class, but now every thing is different and you have different classes all the time. Your friends might also have new friends you don’t really like but this is middle school and you got to live with it. Manner: Manner is very important in sixth grade because it is the base of middle school and elder's want us to learn proper manners and etiquettes while we are still young and at the root of life. Manners also make us good global citizens and prepare us for what ever is supposed to come next in our life. Fun: Fun is what we always have in school. Even in classes we have some fun working and studying together. This middle school also has dances, games, and activities we can play through out the year. These activities can also have teams made from all the grades in middle school (6, 7, 8).