Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Malaysia Week!!??!!

Hey guys!! Malaysia Week (MW) is 5 days off school and in the wild with teachers and some students in Middle school. There are 2 kinds of adventures, ocean or jungle. For my first MW I was assigned to a jungle adventure site called Kuala Gandah. There our activities were challenging but also a lot of fun. The place we spent the most time at was the elephant sanctuary. There we did community service buy planting trees. While we were there we observed how the elephants behaved.Here are some of my fantastic memories from the bus ride to the wild jungle. On the bus rides we (my group) usually sang really silly songs and laughed while people added funny verses to songs. The most fascinating thing was how many different kinds of insects there were and their different sounds and sizes. Some made disturbing noises when we slept but their sounds were so unique. Speaking of sleeping, we slept in tents that were big enough for twopeople. The worst part of sleeping in a tent is when it rains for the whole day and your whole tent gets flooded. Especially at night you become helpless and you and your things like sleeping bags get soaked and when you wake up you find out that you can’t wear dry cloth cause you don’t own any. But the best part about the tents were that they were quick dry. Though the worst (not that bad) part was not the wet tents it was the bathroom. The first bathroom was actually the best one because it had two logs set up on either side and a small gap between them the place was covered with a “wild curtain” type thing. There was also a small stream underneath the logs to wash our waste away. But that was only the girls toilet. Who knows what the boys had maybe, they went nature. The most embarrassing moment for me was when all my group mates had grouped together and decided that they were going to throw a leech ( a hideous insect and one of the things I hate/scared of) at me when I wasn’t looking. There plan did not work quite as planned but as I knew something was on me I screamed and ran around in circles screeching, and telling people to get it of me. That is when every body burst out laughing even my groups sponsor. Fortunately they just put a twig on me to terrify me, and I got out of  MW without any leeches. The next not so bad experience of this trip was when we had to do com
munity service by cleaning out the dang( a fancy word for poo) of the elephants at the Elephant Sanctuary. We were each assigned to a different elephant and told to remove their dang and dispose it on a truck. The smell and site were not the worst things but the heaviness of the dang on our shovels. As we were scooping and disposing I accidentally put a bit of the dang on my shovel on my friend. OOHPS!! Accidents happen right?I am sorry I did not mention any good things about my trip but I couldn’t because it will just take me about two years to write about it. And besides everything was incredible.By the way (BTW) I am not going any where for spring break. I'm staying here relaxing at the mall or some thing. BYE

 HERE is SOME other story of my MW ADVENTURE bellow

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