Saturday, October 24, 2009


Tinbite! Wow! What a weird name huh?! Well yah, what do you expect I am from Ethiopia. Don’t get offended if you are an Ethiopian, not all Ethiopians have odd names but I am unique. I think that’s why I like my name so much. It’s so different and it makes me feel like one of a kind. But the only time that I feel like my name is as hideous as a two faced monkey is when, PEOPLE CAN’T SAY IT RIGHT!!! They always say Tin bite (as in bite people.) Gosh people, can’t you repeat what I say! Sorry, over reacting. But I get really annoyed when that happens (which is every time someone “tries” to say my name.) I even wanted to change my name when I was younger. Something like Alice, or Claire might have been fun and easy, but my two favorite names ever were Samantha and Alexandra. One, because they were easy to spell and two, because they were the most common names at the time of my young age. After crying and begging to convince my parents to get my name changed, they weren’t moved. They explained to me how beautiful and individual my name is but I didn’t want to listen. So at the end of all this, my parents decided to give me a nickname. Tina. I loved it, it was perfect, just the name that suits me. It had my first name’s initial and it was easy to spell, AND say!!! Now that we are living everywhere and going to international schools I am known by Tina (by all, not just my friends.) Actually, the real reason my parents named me Tinbite was not because they wanted me to stand out or be original, but because my father’s name is Elias. Elias in Amharic or Christianity is a prophet. And Tinbite is his prophecy, the thing he would say to his people for their best futures. One other interesting thing that goes along with my name, is my brother’s. His name is Nebiyu, and that in Amharic is simply The Prophet. So if you combined my father’s, brother’s, and my name in the right order you will get, The Prophet Elias’s prophecy (Nebiyu Elias Tinbite.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Odysseus's Journey

Odysseus is the king of Ithaca who had led the victorious war against Troy. He and his soldiers had been fighting the Trojan War for about ten years and were looking forward to going back home. But on their way, many obstacles slowed down their journey to their beloved Ithaca. Odysseus was a great leader who cared for his men and Ithaca. To make him an even better leader Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, also gave him the gift of being “quick of hand but quicker still of wit.” Even thought they had just won the Trojan War the book is about their journey back and the obstacles they faced to return to their lovely wives and children, who are awaiting for their returns. The first obstacle they faced was in the island of the Lotus eating people. There, the first of Odysseus's men that got to land to search for food got brain washed by the fruit of the Lotus eating people. Odysseus, being “quick of hand but quicker still of wit” told all his men to retreat and head back to the heavy waters. The second obstacle the brave soldiers faced was at the Island of Cyclopes. When they arrived at what they thought was a little island, they saw an enormous cave in it. That caves belonged to a Cyclopes that ate Odysseus’s men two by two at a time. This time Odysseus brilliant plan was to stab the one and only eye of the Cyclopes with a burning hot, heavy wooden stick. This action of Odysseus got the Cyclops really angry and called his father Poseidon, to curse Odysseus on his journey. From then on as they rowed day after day, the curse of Poseidon sailed with them. That’s as far as I read of this adventures myth.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bye, Adious, Chaow, Arvoir, 6th GRADE!!!!

    Hey! I am Tina and I will probably be here next year so here are some of the things about my school life.
1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.
I think my most favored and proudest works were the diary entries because i really worked hard on them. I researched and planed out what I was going to write in them. And I creatively thought about the ideas to put in them.
2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
HOMEWORK!!! I am challenged with homework because I some times misinterpret things. Like when a home work is given I interpret it in the way that I understand it but sometimes it is wrong. The other thing challenging in my writing is spelling. I am very bad at spelling so if you see some words misspelled don't be so mad.
3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
I learned that I have some trouble with homework. I get it done but I struggle to finish it. I also like every thing to be organized, especially my locker, but sometimes I lose things. I also learned that I always compete with my friends on grades and I always want to do better than them.
4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I am well behaved almost most of the time but sometimes I can get a little hyper and forget things until someone snaps me back to reality.  

b) Participation

Actively participate in class

Explanation: I always participate for every activity unless I don't know what people are discussing about so I ask in order to participate.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

Explanation: I highlighted both because I am always organized but some times I misplace things (thumb drives only.) Which makes me have to do all the work that is in it over again.

d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

Explanation: Again I highlighted both because if I really like the activity and I am good at it I tend to work extra hard on it But I always try to do my best.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to get a 4.o on my grade average at the begining of the year and continue with that till the end. I want to get the best grades and averages. And I will achieve that by working and studying really hard and properly (No distractions).

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to work with people that I don't know. I want to work as best/well as I do with people that I know.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
   I am very competitive. I like to do better than others and always try my best. But if they are way to good and I know I can't do better than them I give up. In other words I like challenges but if they are too above my level of challenging, I tend to hate them and look for some things that are easier and things I know I can accomplishes.(I give up!)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Help!!! Our EARTH is dying!!!

Hey Guys!
 You all know that our earth is having loads of problems right? And since our earth is having issues like deforestation, plastic bottles, and natural fuels running out, we really need to help save our earth right? Well here are some of my ideas to help the world a little. 
Like to minimize the rate of trees getting cut down/ deforestation we could reuse paper. And after reusing it we can recycle it. And for the improper usage of plastic bottles, we could all just buy our own bottles and  not buy plastic bottles every single day from shops and destroy our lovely  planet. Reusing plastic bottles is also very easy and important on helping save our earth. But out of all these problems the hardest to solve and the one we have to work together on is the usage of natural fuels.  The earth's natural fuels are running out and the only way to save our earth and our selves is to find another natural resource like solar power. Solar power never runs out except for at night but scientists can make something to reserve the power that it is getting in the day and apply it at night. Also since we use coal for electricity we could have the same type of earth hour each night the way we had one earth hour last month. Each family could organize one hour each night to turn of all electricity in the house. 
These are a few ways to help out the earth right at home. After all helping starts at home.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Malaysia Week!!??!!

Hey guys!! Malaysia Week (MW) is 5 days off school and in the wild with teachers and some students in Middle school. There are 2 kinds of adventures, ocean or jungle. For my first MW I was assigned to a jungle adventure site called Kuala Gandah. There our activities were challenging but also a lot of fun. The place we spent the most time at was the elephant sanctuary. There we did community service buy planting trees. While we were there we observed how the elephants behaved.Here are some of my fantastic memories from the bus ride to the wild jungle. On the bus rides we (my group) usually sang really silly songs and laughed while people added funny verses to songs. The most fascinating thing was how many different kinds of insects there were and their different sounds and sizes. Some made disturbing noises when we slept but their sounds were so unique. Speaking of sleeping, we slept in tents that were big enough for twopeople. The worst part of sleeping in a tent is when it rains for the whole day and your whole tent gets flooded. Especially at night you become helpless and you and your things like sleeping bags get soaked and when you wake up you find out that you can’t wear dry cloth cause you don’t own any. But the best part about the tents were that they were quick dry. Though the worst (not that bad) part was not the wet tents it was the bathroom. The first bathroom was actually the best one because it had two logs set up on either side and a small gap between them the place was covered with a “wild curtain” type thing. There was also a small stream underneath the logs to wash our waste away. But that was only the girls toilet. Who knows what the boys had maybe, they went nature. The most embarrassing moment for me was when all my group mates had grouped together and decided that they were going to throw a leech ( a hideous insect and one of the things I hate/scared of) at me when I wasn’t looking. There plan did not work quite as planned but as I knew something was on me I screamed and ran around in circles screeching, and telling people to get it of me. That is when every body burst out laughing even my groups sponsor. Fortunately they just put a twig on me to terrify me, and I got out of  MW without any leeches. The next not so bad experience of this trip was when we had to do com
munity service by cleaning out the dang( a fancy word for poo) of the elephants at the Elephant Sanctuary. We were each assigned to a different elephant and told to remove their dang and dispose it on a truck. The smell and site were not the worst things but the heaviness of the dang on our shovels. As we were scooping and disposing I accidentally put a bit of the dang on my shovel on my friend. OOHPS!! Accidents happen right?I am sorry I did not mention any good things about my trip but I couldn’t because it will just take me about two years to write about it. And besides everything was incredible.By the way (BTW) I am not going any where for spring break. I'm staying here relaxing at the mall or some thing. BYE

 HERE is SOME other story of my MW ADVENTURE bellow

Malaysia Week!?!

Hey guys!! This year I went on my first Malaysia Week and was assigned a Rain forest cite called Kuala Gandah. This cite is for people who love animals like elephants and want to help out at the Elephant Sanctuary. I really don't like elephants but that is the only animal that has a Sanctuary we (my group and I) can help out at. But I don't want to tell you about the elephants you could just go to the Zoo and see them your selves, so I'm going to tell you a little bit about our night treks on the first and second night we were there. On the first day of our night trek I was completely ready for leeches, mosquitoes or any other insects that might bit. I put my flashlight, insect repellent for bugs and mosquitoes that want to get near me and salt in case I get a leech on me, in my jacket pocket. As we were hiking up a hill on our trail I looked above me and saw millions of stars that were so bright that I thought I could touch them if I raised my hands up. After about ten minutes our hiking leader discovered a heap of metal that belonged to a plane from around the 1955 Malaysian war I think. WALK WALK and more walking later our hike leaders thought they saw a wild boar's fresh foot prints so we set out in a different direction to follow it to through the real forest without a trail to guide us through. As we entered the jungle everyone started to slip on the mud and fall or some of us couldn't jump over logs and would have crawl under them. After a while our hike leaders discovered the boar was long gone and that it's tracks were wet because of how hard it had been raining the past week. Thank goodness right now we can get back to our tents and change out muddy clothes. 
Second Night trek: On the second trek I did not carry except for my water bottle because I knew carrying heavy things would make me slow and tiered. This night it was not dark at all and our hiking leaders took us to a trail with elephant tracks so we can use plaster casts and observe them. After finishing my plaster cast I heard one of my friends say that he saw a cobra, so to confirm I asked one of our guides if he was telling the truth. To my surprise he wasn't and that ends the second day.

  This is the whole camp and my friends!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hey!! Nice to meet you

Hey! My name is Tinbite, but everyone calls me Tina. I'm from Ethiopia and 12 years old. I have been to three international schools and live in Kuala Lumpur (K. L) now. I have lived in two other countries other than K.L, Pakistan and Ethiopia. This is my 5th month in K.L and I love it. The people here are mostly muslims but there are also other religions. Malay is the languge they speak here. Every thing is so big and beautiful. Hear are some pics. that will help you visualize K.L: 


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My New Years Resolution

The festival of New Year was 13 days ago, an a new year just Boldbegan.  This year iI going to make the best of every thing I do and try to enjoy my year.
  • For my first new years resolution I want to always make the right choices in everything I do and try to make good friends with my classmates.
  • I also want to do better in my studies, get used to this schools systems, so I get better grades an improve in my understanding of the subject I learn.
  • Improving my behavior is also an excellent idea to start off the year by.
  • I think it is always nice to start our the year in a friendly manner and become friends with the people that are new to our school.  Helping others and cooperating together might help them understand who people are.